
Sunday, March 28, 2010

Dear Prick

How dare you tell me how to do my job, when you don't have nor have the ambition to get one yourself. I don't care if that drunk fool is your friend. I don't care if you are my coworkers son or if your girlfriend works the bar either. I AM the god damn bartender. What I say goes. Don't  tell me that if some drunken fool drives off and gets in an accident that there is nooooo way that it can affect me. In fact, you ignorant asshole, if the cops pull the guy over or he gets in an accident, and and they find out the guy was last at my bar, I can get fired, fined, and gods forbid, sued by all who are involved. Don't even say it can't happen. Hello!!! There is a reason these laws are out there, because it HAS happened and they are trying to prevent it from happening. All that aside, don't you dare tell me you are my friend, receive my generosity (I can't help it that I'm a good person), and then talk shit to me and insult  me and my job. Earth to asshole!!! I'm you're goddamn drive home all the time.

I'm fuckin sick and tired of driving your ass all over the place, to get cigs, a movie, your dog, or just wasting my time. You are so inconsiderate and I only tolerated it because you are fucking my coworker. I say "fucking," because you can't even do your part in the relationship. She buys you everything and then you whine like a little bitch, like you do with your mother, when you don't get your way. You are 25 fucking years old, jackass. Get a job, get your own place, get a car, and stop being a fucking leech on society.

Oh, don't be surprised when you mock and attempt to talk shit behind my back (I was several feet away from you) and think I'm not going to call you on it mother-fucker. I'm glad I got in your face and put you in your place. I may be short and you may be a guy, but I KNOW I could kick your peace-claiming-rastafarian-wannabe ass, you bottom dweller. Oh,  and stop using your women to fight your battles for you. I know your a bitch, but do you keep having to dig it in that your such a pussy? Don't give me that bi-polar game either. Its not an excuse. Trust me, I have plenty experience in that area, and believe me its nothing impressive or enough to get my sympathy.

I hope life shits on you and you are left with nothing, you pompous-poor-excuse-for-a-man. All of us had  FAAAARRRR more terrible things in our lives happen to us, especially me, if you have to use that with me. Hey fucker, I lost both my parents, but I don't pity myself for it. I know others STILL have been through worse then me. You still have both, enjoy that they are still here with you while they are here. You use your mother for everything and don't respect or help her out at all. You leech off your "fiance.'"

They may still tolerate this from you, but I'm not as sympathetic your your pathetic excuses and I won't tolerate your treatment of me when I've done nothing but be there for you in your times of need. You've burned this bridge, fucker.

so, go, do a line, smoke it up, drink your life away, and know you are never going accomplish anything. You are just a waste of air. You are the type of person that I would gladly sign up for human euthanization.

Thanks for being such a waste of space, asshole.


One pissed off Latina


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